THE TECHNICAL 2.1. INTRODUCTION In this module you will learn everything related to the technical preparation of a podcast creation. From finding and setting the equipment and software, to the recording, editing and exporting. join us to know when we upload more stuff...
THE TECHNICAL 2.2. THE EQUIPMENT A topic that is of great concern to many of you who may be thinking about launching your own podcast and may be wondering what equipment do I need to make a good podcast? Here, we’re going to cover exactly that, and I’m...
THE TECHNICAL 2.3. THE SOFTWARE Today we dive into the world of audio editing. Oh, yes, that mystical place where we turn our raw recordings into something that we can listen to and, hopefully, impressive. join us to know when we upload more stuff...
THE TECHNICAL 2.4. SETTING UP THE RECORDING SPACE How to set up the perfect recording space and prepare for the recording process to achieve high-quality audio. join us to know when we upload more stuff...
THE TECHNICAL 2.5. RECORDING SESSION We’ve now reached the recording stage, which is a vital part of creating your podcast. join us to know when we upload more stuff...