3.1. Introduction

3.1. Introduction

THE PROMOTION 3.1. INTRODUCTION Once we have our concept, idea and style and our technical part in order we should think about how we can make our content known to our final target, the public. How we decide the audience to which we want to address, and how to reach...
3.1. Introduction

3.2. Making a brand for the podcast

THE PROMOTION 3.2. MAKING A BRAND FOR THE PODCAST We’ll dive into the exciting world of podcasting and discuss why creating a brand is crucial for your podcast series’ success. join us to know when we upload more stuff...
3.1. Introduction

3.3. Social media for the podcast

THE PROMOTION 3.3. SOCIAL MEDIA FOR THE PODCAST In this episode we will talk about how social media can accompany the development of your podcast. In the modern world we live in, it is very difficult to develop a podcast without a parallel social media presence. But...
3.1. Introduction

3.4. Legal aspects, copyrights

THE PROMOTION 3.4. LEGAL ASPECTS, COPYRIGHTS Audio broadcasting, like any other creative expression, is subject to legal and copyright regulations, so in our blog today we will review the most important points that must be taken into account to avoid any future legal...
3.1. Introduction

3.5. Creating a trailer

THE PROMOTION 3.5. CREATING A TRAILER One very creative way to promote your podcast, or even your new episode, is to create a trailer! join us to know when we upload more stuff...