areen & yara PODCAST NEEDS ASSESMENT A podcast needs assessment for the White Sea would focus on local interests, environment, culture, and accessibility. join us to know when we upload more stuff...
areen & yara DIGITAL SECURITY Tips on protecting your online identity and staying safe in the digital world. join us to know when we upload more stuff...
HAMZEH & AREEN GIG ECONOMY About Schengen visa challenges, travel barriers and immigration concerns, offering insights on making travel more accessible. join us to know when we upload more stuff...
HAMZEH & NATHMYEH BEING A DIGITAL NOMAD Digital nomad lifestyle, offering tips on working remotely while traveling, staying productive, and balancing work with adventure. join us to know when we upload more stuff...
ZUBAYDA & HOURYA DIGITAL DETOX AND FOMO! Digital detoxing, the impact of screen time on mental health, FOMO, and tips for unplugging. join us to know when we upload more stuff...